Between the ages of 2 1/2 and 3 1/2, children begin to absorb socially prevailing attitudes. By the time children enter kindergarten, they can distinguish, and ask questions about physical differences. Cognitively, they are able to understand explanations of these differences, and many use their idea of fair and unfair when solving problems. My Kindergarten Curriculum class emphasized ways of creating classrooms that are culturally complex and curriculum that identifies the need of multiculturalism. Four goals of an anti-bias curriculum were addressed:
1) Construction of a knowledgeable, confident self-identity
2) Comfortable, empathetic interaction with people from diverse backgrounds
3) Critical thinking about bias
4) Ability to stand up for herself or himself, and for others, in the face of bias
The lesson reminded me of the multiculturalism class I took last quarter that focused on Dr. James Bank's 5 Dimensions: content integration, knowledge construction, prejudice reduction, equity pedagogy, and empowering social structure.